Selasa, 13 Mei 2014

Who is she?

Close your Eye, Touch your Heart, and Feel about your Live!
Live is choise, there’s nothing true or false, but the choise to go through. 
A journey of a girl when she was born until she die is a long scene that contain a lot of meaning that could be an inspired to the other poeple. When she started to see the thing around her, she will start to build some dreams. When she walked with her little foots, she would never stop to questioning curiousity. That’s our destiny, whatever, whenever and wherever we got a step forward, a thousand memories and experiences built and getting closer to our hopes and our dreams.

Mirsa Ita Dewi Adiana was born on December 13th, 1995 in Magetan, East Java, Indonesia. She is a student in Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Brawijaya. A girl who has a dreams but different with the others, on the make and believe that everything in this world would be special if it is touched by heart. 

A Bad Start in Life
Masa lalumu boleh buruk, tapi yakinlah bahwa masa depanmu masih suci.
A long time ago, on December 13th, 1995 a girl was born with the name Icha Prameswari. Um, a nice name, isn’t it? But, this name irresitible along way when her mom left the baby. So, her name was replaced by her father become Mirsa Ita Dewi Adiana. Her father give a name “Mirsa” is because her brother has name Risa, and “Adiana” because her sister has name Diana (nickname: Ana), and Adiana has meaning (javanese: adik’e Ana), and Ita Dewi just a complement. 

The real my mother :'*

Mirsa Ita Dewi Adiana was born at Jl. Durian 89, Magetan, East Java, Indonesia. She is 18 years ago. She has a heart of gold. But, she has a bad start in life. What a pity she is! Her parents was divorced. She has a workharder father, her father is Maryono who works as a civil servant in Dinas Pendidikan and a Village Chief. Her father must parenting at once the Mom for Mirsa, because his wife left his daughter when Mirsa a one month. His wife is Sri Jumiati, she just a housewife. Because some troble’s in their family, they’re divorced.

 My Grandmother is My Super Heroine

Mirsa was adobted by her grandmother (mother from her father) when her mom left and ceded to her father. But, how about the ASI which is needed by Mirsa to defendable life? We know that the God not sleep, with the miracle, the ASI from her grandmother flow again.
Yes, her grandmother’s name is Malem Slik. She was born at Malem Selikur (jawa), so her name is Malem Slik. A funny name, isn’t? Mirsa called her grandmother is Mom, because she know that her grandomther who maintained him. Mirsa is very love and care to her grandmother than her mom. 

 Keep Spirit!!!
Although her family was not romantic, Mirsa keep spirit to walk on her life. She grew up become a cleaver student. From the kindergarten, she got some achievements which priding her family. She ever got champion drawing, painting, and dancing.
Until she studied in Elementary School at SDN 1 JANGGAN, she always perform her talent and made her could be the best student. But, do you know that Mirsa was a dusky skin girl when she was a child with her beauty spot under her lips. Even so she wasnot beautiful girl, but she had many friends and fans. Many people liked her because she cleaver student who birth from the bad family.
When she started in Junior High School, she lived with her Aunt. Because, her grandmother already pure and didnt give on a dressing to her lesson in the future. Because, in Elementary School who helped Mirsa in her lesson was her grandfather. His name is Sarbini, the grandfather who smart and strong.
Started in Junior High School in SMPN 1 PONCOL, her Aunt to do Mirsa wore Hijab. Despite of Mirsa rejected about it, unlikely she might wear Hijab because she live with her Aunt. But, Mirsa called her Aunt was Mom. She knew that her Aunt maintained him for she was child with her grandmother.
Mirsa felt as though her live many problem, she needed affection from her father Maryono. She hoped that her father geting along with him. Until Mirsa studied in Senior High School, Mirsa ever not familiarly with her father. But, Mirsa still kept try and try to approach her father. She always active in organization, and olympic games like Chemistry and English. Mirsa was an activist in OSIS, and she was takehold of Generaly Treasurer. From the organization and the others, Mirsa would be independent and get more experience.
When she 3thgrade, she started to approached her father and the other family to consult about the next studied in University. Her father and family suggested to take a Animal Husbandry, because her family are rancher. But, Mirsa dislike about it. She wanted to take a Chemistry or International Relationship. Maybe, because Mirsa didn’t got a blessing from her family, Mirsa failed in SNMPTN. The last, she in SBMPTN she took a Animal Husbandry in Gadjah Mada University and Brawijaya University. Finaly, Mirsa acceptable Faculty of Animal Husbandry  in University of Brawijaya. 

Kamis, 08 Mei 2014


Ketika itu aku tak sadar diri bahwa telah mengenalmu. lewatnya, dan lewatmu sendiri. Sungguh hal yang tak bisa kuduga, wajahmu yang bersinar memakai baju belang hitam putih dan kepolosanmu berbicara bahasa yang tak pernah kau ucapkan sebelumnya. memang, hari itu aku hanya menganggap biasa saja. Tak kenal maka tak sayang, sekarang aku mengenalmu dan aku menyayangimu :')

Hari-hari yang telah kita lalui semenjak itu, seperti ada energi positif yang merasuk jiwaku untuk selalu mengeluarkan energi positif pula. Sesampainya itu, ada yang menganggap bahwa kau hanya memanfaatkanku untuk kepentingan pribadimu. I feel its Ok. so, diriku berarti memang berarti kan bagimu? Setidaknya hidupku memang bermanfaat kan? :D *be positive thinking :') 

Akhirnya, aku sampai di tahap ini. Posisi yang sebenarnya tak pernah kubayangkan. Aku terhempas begitu jauh dan jatuh terlalu dalam. Kukira langkahku sudah benar. Kupikir anggapanku adalah segalanya. Aku salah, menyerah adalah jawaban yang kupilih; meskipun sebenarnya aku masih ingin memperjuangkan kamu.

Kita hidup di dunia yang berbeda, aku anak singkong dan kamu anak keju. seperi lagu dangdut ya :'D 

Namun demikian, tak ubahnya seperti opiniku bahwa SETIAP ORANG BERHAK MENCINTAI DAN DICINTAI OLEH SIAPAPUN, jadi intinya gak ada larangannya dong aku cinta kamu, aku sayang kamu, aku falling in love ke kamu??? 

tapi cinta ini salah tempat, harusnya aku sadar diri lah. aku hanya orang yang kau butuhkan untuk sekedar menanyakan hal semacam tugas. Kataa orang kau hanya memanfaatkanku saja, tapi ya gak apalah. Berarti aku orangnya bermanfaat dong :D haha

Setidaknya, diriku adalah orang yang terlintas di benakmu kan yaa, setidaknya namaku di kontak hapemu juga yang sering kau hubungi kan ya? :'D 

Aku tak ingin kamu tau tentang semua perasaan ini, namun aku sangat ingin kamu menghargai perasaanku, bukan dengan uang tapi dengan ketulusanmu untuk menjagaku, menjadikan aku orang yang penting dalam hidupmu. 

Layaknya bagaikan langit dan bumi, begitu jauh jarak yang dapat menyatukan kita. Tuhan, bantu padamkan rasa ini :')